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Everything You Need to Know Before You Get A Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Everything You Need to Know Before You Get A Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

The pelvic area of your body controls the bowel movement, bladder, sexual activities, and other major functions. If you are unable to do those functions properly, you might be suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction. You will be pleased to know that there are physical therapies for treating these problems.

Some people are embarrassed about sharing these issues with others, and they simply stop exercising in front of others. There is nothing to be ashamed about it, as there are specific exercises that can help in reducing or healing your condition.

You will be asked to do some exercises that are not different from what you already do daily. You must consult a sports therapist, even If you find it embarrassing. You can do those exercises at home, as gym equipment is not required for this treatment.

 Where to get pelvic therapy?

It is very important to find the right therapist who can analyse your problem and give you a perfect treatment plan. The best part of getting it treated from a renowned therapist is that you get one-on-one sessions, and you can explain your problem to the doctor without being shy.

NYDNRehab is one such institute where you can get the best sports rehabilitation treatments in NYC. You can book your slot online on the NYDNRehab website or request an office visit as per your convenience.

They also provide therapies for problems in the neck, arm, shoulder, knee, ankle and foot, lower back, hip, and other areas. They are one of the few clinics in NYC that perform state-of-the-art 3D gait analysis for gait-specific pelvic floor physical therapy.

Their clinics are equipped with the latest high-resolution diagnostic ultrasound machines for detecting problems that are not visible to the human eye. They provide you with a personalized plan depending on your situation for quality progress.

 Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD):

You know that you are suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction, when you have urinary incontinence, unwanted wastage of stool, post-pregnancy pain, and pain during bowel movements, pain in lower back and pelvis during intercourse, and other problems. The most common issue in PFDs is urinary incontinence.

You may have to undergo many internal examinations to identify the cause of the dysfunction in your pelvic area. Myofascial pain is the pain caused due to irritation in the pelvic muscles. According to studies, this pain might be the cause of chronic pelvic pain and interstitial cystitis/ bladder pain. Myofascial pain usually goes undetected or unidentified by internal examination.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, at least 13 million people in the US suffer from urinary incontinence. Many physical therapists have confirmed that PFDs can be treated through physical treatments and can be highly effective for some people. It is common for women to suffer from this problem.

Urinary Incontinence:

As it is one of the most common problems caused due to PFDs, let’s get to know it in detail. It is caused due to many reasons and is identified when there is undesired leakage of urine during the day and night. Women are more prone to have urinary incontinence while it might go unreported in men.

 Types of urinary incontinence:

There are various types of urinary incontinence like:

Urinary Frequency: This is a condition where people have an overactive bladder and you might feel like it is emptied very soon. You might have to make trips to the bathroom in the day and night very frequently. It can also be caused due to intake of certain beverages.

 Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy can help in reducing the symptoms of myofascial pain and other pelvic floor problems. Most therapists suggest certain exercises to reduce the tightness by relaxation of pelvic muscles, or to strengthen the muscles as per your body demands. It is said that focussed stretching is the best way to help in relaxing your muscles and preventing their tightening.

Before you get the treatment, they perform external and internal examinations to assess the root cause of your problem. Various tests like cystoscopy, urinalysis, anal manometry, colonoscopy, and many other tests are performed in the pelvic area to assess the problem. These tests are not painful.

 What is the process?

The process of pelvic floor physical treatment is not different from other treatments. As all of these problems are related to the same system, it works similarly.

First, you go through the fact-finding session where your physician asks you questions about the symptoms. He might ask you if you have a urinary tract infection, or you have recently had surgery, or if you are pregnant. Your physician needs to know your medical history.


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