BlogsBunny: The Best Content Aggregator Platform on the Internet
by 21/10/2020 17:430

Every day millions of blogs upload content which can become overwhelming for readers to navigate through. In this era of viral content, it’s hard to find a platform that promotes good content. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one content aggregator platform which will curate all kinds of content?
Even the platforms which are specifically made to curate content end up publishing substandard content due to lack of a better approach. But as they say, every problem has a solution and the solution for this particular problem is a website named BlogsBunny
It’s a platform that is the need of the hour for content creators and an old wish of the web surfers. This platform gives people an opportunity to truly know what the audience thinks about their content through various means and it gives what it wants, a right to chose.
Now let’s dive in a little deeper into what it takes to make this ideal platform special for both content creators and audience alike.
An Intro of
BlogsBunny is a content-aggregator platform that gives people a chance to choose quality over quantity. Usually, people have no choice but to engage with the content which ranks higher because of its publisher and not for its quantity.
This practice of neglecting the good content and only giving importance to a few selected ones can be extremely discouraging to the new content creators. For them, a platform was much needed which promotes the deserving upcoming talent and not keep marketing only the privileged people.
BlogsBunny has done something revolutionary it has given the power to the audience. Now the audience decides what’s worthy of their attention and what isn’t.
BlogsBunny is not your average run of the mill content sharing platform it has a vision to not only entertain people but also to educate them. We may have a lot of social media platforms today but almost all of them have the same drawback of not providing enough reach to new bloggers. These platforms are designed in a way that makes it impossible for newcomers to come forward and be appreciated for their content.
BlogsBunny addresses this issue in its mission statement:
‘’BlogsBunny’s primary goal is to fill the gap between what some of the popular social media/content sharing platforms fail to provide. We ensure bloggers are able to promote their own content without being called a “Spammer” or have their reach killed due to fears of fake news.”
To support their vision BlogsBunny has introduced some new features which will help them in running this platform by staying true to their word.
Unique Features:
An all in one content sharing platform
Every social media platform serves a different purpose but BlogsBunny has taken the bold initiative of creating a platform which can be used by everyone to share whatever form of content they like be it text, blogs (personal, professional, hobby, lifestyle, etc), pictures, videos, links, news, articles, opinions or any other form of media which gets their message across and inspires the audience.
A New Criteria for Algorithm
Algorithms are the most tricky part of a content-aggregating platform, usually, their formula is kept hidden so one could really know what goes behind the scenes. BlogsBunny have very generously given some insight into the deciding factors:
- Readability Score
- Plagiarism Checker
- Plus/Minus Votes (based on a heat metric)
- Website Reputation
- Basic Grammar Errors
- Spell Check
Counting all these factors will decide the overall score which would ultimately be the winning factor to rank higher. These factors make sure the content which is being promoted is of the highest quality which provides the audience with the best experience.
Keep Up with the Latest News Stories
BlogsBunny is a trendsetter when it comes to content aggregating platforms, it makes sure everyone gets their desired content on the same platform. For newsreaders, it pulls new content every few hours, so no global news is left out and readers remain fully updated throughout the day.
Top Features for the Audience
Today users don’t just want to read or see something they want to virtually react as well. We all know the options of likes, comments, share and subscribe buttons have been a proven game-changer so BlogsBunny has also decided to introduce their own interpretation of audience reaction.
Voting here will help the platform decide what kind of content people likes to see. They have even gone one step ahead to downvote something which isn’t up to the standard of the audience. This is one of the most powerful factors to consider as a publisher.
The bookmark will help in keeping an exquisite piece of content to become part of your personal list.
Express in words what cannot be conveyed by voting. As an audience, publishers know how their content affects you, and as publishers let your audience know how much you value their opinion.
Share Across Multiple Platforms
Now it’s so easy to share your favorite content on other platforms as well by using other social media’s integrated buttons.
Award Carrot for Vitamin A (Appreciation)
Carrots are always good to have, be it in your meal or on your BlogsBunny profile, they show you are being appreciated for your efforts.
A step by step guide to using
First, create an account on the website. The process isn’t complicated at all. They only collect your name, DOB and email address, then create your password and you are set to go.
For a personalized feed, you will be asked to check your selected topics or as BlogsBunny likes to call it ”Warrens”. The choices here are endless be it world news, fashion, sports, business, education, news, real estate, etc. Basically, you name it and they have got it.
After selecting the Warrens that interest you, your feed will show content according to your preference. Now it’s up to you how much would you like to engage with it, you can comment, vote, bookmark, and share for others to see.
How to post on
It’s fairly easy to post on BlogsBunny. All you need to do is add the URL, write the title, and select the relevant category.
Once you have done all these steps correctly then after being moderated your post will go live
Then you can also check the parameters which will help in ranking your post higher.
Final Thoughts
The Internet is a very welcoming space for ever-evolving platforms and BlogsBunny has got everything it needs to be a crowd puller. The best thing about this platform is how inclusive it is for creators and users.
It’s always amazing to be a part of something new so I would advise everyone to register on so later you can tell your friends that you joined it first!