Hitman becomes one of the best PS4 game on the market
by 12/03/2017 20:220

Hitman is developed by Io-Interactive and is an action Video game published by Square Enix. One of the best game in the series is hitman Blood money. One thing in the Hitman Blood money I was really surprised to see is that the hand-to-hand combat has been great.
Hitman is now available along with an Intro pack. The Intro Pack allows the users the prolog Paris episodes. The Intro pack comes with the future six episodes which come with 5 other new locations along with play station contract. The Playstation contract is available for those users who purchased the Hitman upgrade pack.
Now with its Upgrade pack get all access to 6 new episodes and with new 5 locations. The upgrade pack allows the users for prolog missions and gives the access to the players for contracts modes, exclusive targets, and other live content.
Along with the Intro Pack, the users will be able to see the upgrade pack. Hitman intro pack will access the users with a prolog new mission along with hits on high profile targets in bizarre locations.