Google Analytics Real-Time goes Offline
by 07/09/2016 14:220

Google Analytics Real-Time view appears to have been offline/down for its users for more than 6 hours. Many users are seeing a message stating “Resource is not available. Please try again later.” on the Google Analytics Real-Time view page.
We aren’t sure yet what’s the reason that is causing this error. However, many Google Analytic users have started to tweet about it on twitter too.
Google Analytics Real-Time view allows websites to view live traffic/visitors of their websites. Surely this is an important tool for many webmasters and companies that monitor their traffic. We aren’t sure yet when Google is to fix this problem, but according to twitter tweets, many webmasters are doing their best to contact Google Analytics to fix the problem.
We will update this news article as soon as Google Analytics updates us about the issue.