Facebook Server Gets Hacked, Hacker Find Backdoors Of Anonymous Hackers
by 21/04/2016 21:270

An ethical hacker had decided to target Facebook servers to win some awards by Facebook Bug Bounty program. The ethical hacker is to be named “Orange Tsai” who recently managed to find a vulnerability on a Facebook domain “fb.com”. Using the vulnerability, the hacker managed to gain access to the servers backend where he was able to read the source code of the website.
While the hacker was searching around on the server, he found a few backdoors uploaded by a hacker who had managed to gain access before Orange Tsai. According to a screenshot provided by Orange Tsai, the shells and backdoors uploaded by the other hacker had been done in the month of September. Yet, the year is still unknown. The anonymous hacker who had left the backdoors is not know yet.

Since Orange Tsai is a whitehat, an ethical hacker who was interested in the Facebook Bug Bounty program, he had reported the bug and the backdoors uploaded by an anonymous hacker to Facebook’s security team. He then received a reply from Facebook rewarding him with $10,000 USD for joining the Bug Bounty program, reporting the serious vulnerability to Facebook, not miss using the vulnerability and reporting the backdoors being uploaded by the other hacker. More information about the vulnerability and bugs found by Orange Tsai can be found on his official post here.
Facebook has awarded large amount money to hackers who have reported bugs since 2011. Some have been rewarded with an amount of between $1,000 to $10,000 USD. They also have a Hall of Fame page on Facebook for those who reported security bugs & vulnerabilities. Their names get added to the Hall of Fame list by the Facebook team thanking them for supporting and helping Facebook get more secure.