Apple in the Sky: Apple’s New Campus is 33% Complete
by 28/03/2016 10:460

We’ve heard a lot about Apple Campus for over 5 years, and now our investigative reporters have discovered that construction for the plan has been set at 2017 because the design is 33% complete. The curved glass spaceship like structure is part of nearly 900 glass panels (some as long as 46 feet and 10.5 feet wide). We expect the Apple’s Main Building to house over 13,000 employees.
Silicon Valley, CA— If you’ve been wondering about the Apple’s New High-Tech campus, our investigative reporters discovered that significant progress was completed on Apple Campus 2, which covers more than 2.8 million square feet.
We’re expecting the campus to stand at least four stories in the sky, and three below the ground. The diameter of the building (1,521 feet) is expected to exceed that of the Empire State Building, and the circumference of the building is going to be more than a mile across. However, Apple reports that more than 80% of the entire design of the building will be landscape.
Design by seele/sedak, Responsible for Apple’s Fifth Avenue Store
Apple has been working with the company responsible for the New York City’s Fifth Avenue Apple Store “seele/sedak.” They also designed the glass walls of the cylinder shaped Theatre that will offer 360 degree views of the campus as well as be the location where people debut their products.
Over a Mile of Glass in Apple’s New Campus
Our reports discovered that less than one-half (900 of the 3,000 glass panels) have been installed, but these are the smallest parts of the design. Two glass doors have yet to have been erected, spanning over four stories of glass (about the size of a traditional basketball court). Apple has listed that this 60,000 foot space will house 2,800 employees in the building itself, and another 1,200 outside on the patio.
Eco-Friendly and Technological
The overall design of the building is to try and be more eco-friendly materials and technology. The entire ceiling is expected to be made of solar panels, in a controlled design that’s intended to wow spectators with technology that hasn’t really been utilized in architecture yet.